Wednesday, June 10, 2009

1216 calories


whole wheat pancakes (131)
sugar free syrup (35)

Total: 165


Morning star pizza burger with pizza sauce
burger (120)
sauce (10)
bun (80)
chips (100)

Total: 310

Afternoon snack:

yogurt (60)
1/2 very large apple (81)

Total: 141


1/2 lean cuisine (140)
green beans (27)
sun chips (140)

Total: 307

Evening Snack:

drink (192)
ice cream (100)

Total: 292

Daily Total: 1216

Note: I was highly frustrated with dinner! It was a night of convenience, since my DH had to go pick up the new mower. I pulled out my lean cuisine, that I KNOW I like. I thought it looked funny (but I don't see freezer burn enough to know what it looks like!) I cooked it anyway, and it was terrible. I ate half of it, the half that wasn't damaged! I ate the green beans, I am not that crazy over them to begin with! So to make sure I enjoyed something, and with all the extra cals, I ate some sunchips!

1 comment:

  1. I HATE THAT!! That is so annoying. You make a dinner you're not in the mood to cook, and then it taste like crap too! It's just rude!
